My Review of Delayed Penalty by Bianca Sommerland

Delayed Penalty by Bianca Sommerland

Delayed Penalty by Bianca Sommerland
Link to buy


Story Rating: 4.5 out of 5 paddles

Sting Factor (kink): 4 out of 5

Original Posted on BDSM Book Reviews 4/25/2014


If you’re looking for a hot & steamy read look no further. Delayed Penalty is part of Ms. Sommerland’s, Darthmouth Cobra Series. The book contains a recommendation that the series be read in order, and this is book five in the six book series.I had previously read books one & two in the series. While there are subplots that deal with information in previous books, Ms. Sommerland does a wonderful job of explaining them so that readers who are new to the series, will still enjoy the book. I will say that when I was reading the story, it made me want to go back & read the books that I missed.

First off, it doesn’t get much hotter than a Canadian hockey team that has its own private BDSM club. One might assume that all the members of the team are super dominant, but they would be very wrong. Not only does Ms. Sommerland find a way to tell story about BDSM, she’s able to break away from the stereotypical images of D/s relationships that have been traditionally portrayed.

The main story is about best friends who discover that they’re in love with the same woman. The girl’s name is Akira, and she meets Cortland when he discovers her lying next to her car in parking lot. She’s just been mugged & is having a flashback to when she was raped. Cort makes sure that Akira makes it home safely, then stays to enjoy a drink with Akira.

When Cort hears Akira discussing relationships with her roommate, he overhears them discussing a BDSM relationship. After hanging out for a while, Akira & Cort make plans to go on a date later in the week. Then Cort leaves to find his best friend Ford, so he can find out what kind of problem he needs his help with.

After Cort is unable to get a hold of Ford by phone, he decides to go to his house. Unfortunately, Ford isn’t there and the apartment is trashed with blood everywhere. Cort rushes to the bar that Ford owns, and discovers that it’s closed and Ford is in the hospital after being brutally attacked.

Eventually Cort & Ford that the girl they’re both head over heels for, is the same girl. After initially trying to convince Akira that he’s bad for her, Cort realizes that he’s in love with her.

Will Cort & Ford be able to find a way to maintain their friendship, once they discover that they love the same girl? Will Cort continue to make sacrifices in order to ensure that Ford’s hands will remain clean of crime, or will the man Ford had believed to be his father be successful in ending Ford’s life? I highly recommend that you read Delayed Penalty to find out. Also, be prepared to become just as enthralled by the sub-plots. You can’t go wrong when Hockey players, team owners & BDSM are involved.


OhMy! Monday: @dochappycamper Shares and Excerpt from Her #LGBT #BDSM WIP Bound in Paradise

Behind Closed Doors

Oh My! Mondays Banner For Behind Closed Doors

Welcome to Behind Closed Doors! Today I’d like to share an excerpt from my current WIP, “Bound in Paradise.” This is actually a prequel to The Surrender of Julia (Now and Forever 3). I’ve had several people ask about how Julia and Carmen met and about their time in Hawaii. When we decided to put a summer anthology together, I thought this novella would be a good fit along with one by Lia Michaels and Bonnie Bliss. Season of Sun and Sin is turning out to be one of my favorite compilations to work on because of the stories that will be included. If all goes according to schedule, we hope to have advanced print copies to take with us to RomCon in June. Denver here we come!

Let me first say the following is an UNEDITED excerpt. My editor will have her hands on the completed piece within the…

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Fun Filled Weekend

Let me start by saying, I had a fun filled weekend! I read three different erotic novels, which I’ll be providing reviews for this week. But, that isn’t where the fun stopped by any means. In fact, that was kinda like my foreplay.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of using the Rabbit Habit that I Won.image
I had planned to use it earlier in the week, but to be honest I was a little intimidated. It may seem hard to believe since this blog deals with topics of a completely sexual nature, but until this past year, I was extremely shy when it came to sex. I have never had the pleasure of owning a luxury toy before. So when I turned the Rabbit on and discovered that I could not only isolate which part of the vibe I could choose to power up, but that I could even make it go in reverse, I was intimidated. Yep, I’m that girl who used to walked the adult store with my partner, but was too embarrassed to really take in any of the sights. I’m not going to write up my review of the Rabbit Habit right now, because I want to test it out again before I do (of course, I’m only doing it so that you’ll have the best & most helpful information *winks*).

Before I forget, I’ve also been reading tons of book on sex.




Just in time for Easter, I received a Rabbit Habit.